
Denise Brennan, PhD
Assistant Professor, Anthropology,Sociology and Anthropology
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Richard Calderone, PhD
Professor and Chair
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
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Phone: 202 687-1137 | FAX: 202 687-1800

Ronald L. Cihlar, PhD
Professor, Microbiology and Immunology & Associate Dean, Biomedical Graduate Education
Faculty Profile | Email | Medline Publications
202- 687-1136

Mark Danielsen, Ph.D.
Associate Professor,Biochemistry
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202 687-4169

Martin Dym, PhD
Professor and Chair,
Cell Biology Georgetown University Medical Center
Faculty Profile | Email | Web Site | Medline Publications
202 687-1157

Carolyn A. Ecelbarger, PhD
Associate Professor,Endocrinology & Metablism
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202 687-0653

Rhonda B. Friedman, PhD
Professor, Neurology
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202 784-4134

G. Ian Gallicano, PhD
Associate Professor
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202 687-0228

Richard A. Gillis, PhD
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Bonnie L. Green, PhD
Professor and Director of Research, Psychiatry
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Heidi E. Hamilton PhD
Associate Professor,Linguistics
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202 687-6098

Barbara V. Howard, PhD
Senior Scientist and former President of MedStar Research Institute
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Claudine Isaacs, MD
Associate Professor, Medicine and Oncology
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202 444-2198

Hong Ji, MD
Associate Professor, Physiology & Biophysics
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Jacqueline Jonklaas, MD, PhD, MPH
Assistant Professor,Endocrinology and Medicine
Faculty Profile | Email | Medline Publications
202 687-2818

Kenneth J. Kellar, PhD
Professor and Vice-Chair
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Alexei Kondratyev, PhD
Associate Professor, Pediatrics and Pharmacology
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Robert J. Lechleider, MD
Associate Professor,Cell Biology
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202 687-4381
Mary Beth Martin, Ph.D.
Professor, Departments of Oncology and Biochemstry & Molecuar Biology
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Susan E. Mulroney, PhD
Professor and Vice-Chair, Physiology
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Adam Myers, PhD
Professor,Physiology and Biophysics
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202 687-1766

Anna Riegel, PhD
Professor, Pharmacology
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Kathryn Sandberg, PhD
Director, CSD
Professor,Nephrology & Hypertension, Department of Medicine
PhD Program Director, Physiology & Biophysics
Faculty Profile | Email | Web Site | Medline Publications
202 687-4179

Richard Schlegel MD, PhD
Professor and Chair, Pathology
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Virginia Steen, MD
Professor, Rheumatology, Department of Medicine
Faculty Profile | Email | Medline Publications
202 687-8233

Deborah Tannen, PhD
University Professor, Linguistics
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Web Site 2 | Medline Publications
202 687-5910

Michael Ullman, PhD
Associate Professor, Neuroscience
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Jason G. Umans, MD, PhD
Associate Professor, Departments of Medicine and Obstetrics and Gynecology
Faculty Profile | Email | Medline Publications
202 784-3006

Joseph G. Verbalis, MD
Professor of Medicine and Division Chief of Endocrinology
Faculty Profile | Email | Medline Publications
202 687-2818

Barry Wolfe, PhD
Professor, Pharmacology
Faculty Profile | Email | Web Site | Medline Publications
202 687-1420

Mary A. Young, MD
Assistant Professor, Infectious Diseases WIHS,
Department of Medicine
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