Survey of Sex-Specific Medicine:
PBIO-538 – The Endocrine Basis of Sex Differences in Physiology
Course Directors: Carolyn Ecelbarger, PhD and Darren Roesch, PhD
(2 credits, Spring 2006)
See the PBIO-538 Course Syllabus
The mechanisms underlying many sex-associated differences in physiology are the result of differential regulation of hormones. Beyond the obvious pattern of differential regulation and circulating levels of gonadal steroids, other hormonal axes display marked sex-related differences, resulting in male and female phenotypes that are in some ways overtly and others quite subtly unique. In this course, through didactic instruction and critical review of the primary literature, students will explore sex differences in hormonal regulation and end-organ action of a variety of systems including: the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, thyroid function, the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, insulin and glucagon, vitamin D/parathyroid/calcitonin, reproduction among others. This course is intended for junior or senior undergraduate students and graduate students in the biological sciences, preferably having taken a physiology course or the introductory course, Sex Differences in Physiology and Pathophysiology.
For more information, contact Dr. Ecelbarger at ecelbarc@georgetown.edu
To register for this course, click here: https://guexperience.georgetown.edu/