Ronald L. Cihlar, PhD

Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Associate Dean, Biomedical Graduate Education
Georgetown University Medical Center
SE314 Med-Dent Building, Box 571440
3900 Reservoir Road, NW
Washington, DC 20007
Phone: 202 687-1136
Fax: 202 687-1800
Research Interests
Mechanisms of Candida albicans pathogenesis and detection of antifungal drug targets
Research Summary
My laboratory is examining questions pertaining to both the pathogenesis and basic biology of the fungus, Candida albicans. In particular, we are:
Investigating genes that may prove to be appropriate targets useful in the development of
new antifungal agents. Work entails gene isolation and target validation through gene
knockout studies, as well as assay design and drug screening.
Comparing patterns of gene expression in in vivo models of candidiasis to those exhibited during in vitro growth. Genes that are differentially expressed in vivo vs. in vitro are being systematically studied to determine their potential role in pathogenesis.
Studying the effects on nitric oxide generating compounds on fungal physiology.
Representative Publications
- Zhao, X.-J., J. Newsome and R.L. Cihlar. 1998. Up-regulation of two Candida albicans genes in a rat model of oral candidiasis detected by differential display. Microb. Pathog. 25:121-129.
- Zhao, X.-J., R.A. Calderone, G. Choi, and R.L. Cihlar. 2001. Isolation and characterization of the Candida albicans MOT2 gene. Med. Mycol. 39:81-86.
- R. Raulli, G.E. McElhaney-Feser, and R. L. Cihlar 2002. Nitric Oxide as a Microcidal Agent. Rec. Res Develop. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 6:177-184.
- Cihlar, R.L., S.E. Broedel, Jr., and C. Kellogg. 2002. New antifungal targets. In:Fungal Pathogenesis: Principles and Clinical Applications. R.A. Calderone and R.L. Cihlar, eds. Marcel Dekkar, NY, NY. Marcel Dekkar, New York, New York.
- X.-C. Li , A.S. Joshi, H. N. ElSohly, , S. I. Khan, M.R.Jacob, , Z. Zhang, I.A.Khan, D. Ferreira, L.A. Walker, S. E. Broedel, Jr., R. E. Raulli, Ronald L. Cihlar. 2002. Fatty acid synthase inhibitors from plants: isolation, structure elucidation and SAR studies. J. Nat. Prod. 65:1909-1914.
- Z. Zhang, H. N. ElSohly, X.-C. Li, S. I. Khan, S. E. Broedel, Jr., R. E. Raulli, Ronald L. Cihlar and L. A. Walker. 2003. Flavanone glycosides from Miconia trailii. J. Nat. Prod. 66:33-41.