
iVillage – Why Some Diseases Strike Women More Than Men, by Karen Pallarito.
Article recommended by Drs. Kathryn Sandberg and Darren Roesch.

Georgetown Medicine publication, Fall 2005
In this issue:

Placing Children at the Center – Child and Human Development at Georgetown
Discovering the Differences Between Us – CSD Leads in an Emerging Field of Research
Inequity and Disparity: Balance the Scales for Children and their Families
Late Effects Program for Childhood Cancer Survivors
The Silent Epidemic – Untreated Depression in Low-Income, Immigrant Mothers

In March 2005, the Georgetown University Medical Center web site featured Dr. Kathryn Sandberg (Director, CSD Professor, Division of Nephrology & Hypertension) on the Home page with Exploring the Gender Gap, a full featured article explaining the need for research in many fields to understand the mechanisms responsible for the medical health differences between men and women.

On Friday, December 3rd, ABC World News Tonight with Peter Jennings aired a segment focusing on sex differences in medicine, which prominently featured the research and clinical work of CSD Investigators Dr. Mary Young (Assistant Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine) and Dr. John Richert (Chair, Department of Microbiology and Immunology). World New Tonight reaches 10 million viewers nationwide.

Last July, the Associated Press published a piece on Dr. Rhonda Friedman’s (Professor, Department of Neurology) research about how reading therapy helps victims of alexia. The story was picked up by several media outlets, including The New York Times and ABC News. [Read the Article]

Last April, MSNBC ran a feature article on a study that Dr. Claudine Isaacs (Lombardi Cancer Center, CSD Investigator), co-authored about the new rapid BCRA testing (which tests for the gene linked to breast cancer), which has results available in 10 days as compared to the two months needed to receive results using older tests (Dr. Marc Schwartz served as PI on the study). The study evaluates how availability of this test has affected treatment choices among those newly diagnosed with breast cancer.

Dr. Darren Roesch (Division of Endocrinology, CSD Investigator) presented his research on potential treatment for weight gain in postmenopausal women at the 2004 Experimental Biology Meeting in late April. This research was picked up by Reuters, which published the story on various internet publications, including feature stories on Web MD [Read the Article] and Merck Medicus. The University expects continued coverage on this exciting research related to sex differences.