Alexei Kondratyev, PhD

Associate Professor
Departments of Pediatrics and Pharmacology
Georgetown University
W208 New Research Building
3970 Reservoir Road, N.W.
Washington, DC, 20057
Lab: 202 687-7825
Office: 202 687-0204
Fax: 801 469-5580
Research Interests
Mechanisms of seizure-induced neuroprotection and neurodegeneration
Research Summary
I am particularly interested in the molecular mechanisms of differential sensitivity between males and females to excitotoxic injury and the rates of their functional recovery from various neurological insults. Laboratory research projects focus on molecular mechanisms regulating neuronal cell death and survival after continuous seizure activity, as well as the neuroprotective and plasticity-promoting effect of repeated, brief noninjurious seizures. This research effort seeks to understand the changes in gene expression associated with exposure to damaging severe seizure activity on the one hand, and to neuroprotective noninjurious brief seizures evoked by low-intensity electroconvulsive shock, on the other hand. Expression of genes encoding trophic factors, transcription factors, death-promoting and survival-promoting factors are being examined for their changes in response to seizure exposure of different durations. These studies, which utilize in situ hybridization, PCR, RNase protection, gene array technology, immunohistochemistry, Western blotting, as well as many other molecular methods, aim to elucidate the mechanisms that are responsible for determining cell death and cell survival in various regions of the limbic system and basal ganglia. These studies are being performed in rodents.
Representative Publications
- Kondratyev A, Ved R, Gale K. The effects of repeated minimal electroconvulsive shock exposure on levels of mRNA encoding fibroblast growth factor-2 and nerve growth factor in limbic regions. Neuroscience. 114:411-6, 2002
- Gwinn RP, Kondratyev A, Gale K. Time-dependent increase in basic fibroblast growth factor protein in limbic regions following electroshock seizures. Neuroscience. 114:403-9, 2002
- Kondratyev A, Selby D, Gale K. Status epilepticus leads to the degradation of the endogenous inhibitor of caspase-activated DNase in rats. Neurosci Lett. 319:145-8, 2002
- Kondratyev A, Gale K. Temporal and spatial patterns of DNA fragmentation following focally or systemically-evoked status epilepticus in rats. Neurosci Lett. 310:13-16, 2001
- Kondratyev A, Sahibzada N, Gale K. Electroconvulsive shock exposure prevents neuronal apoptosis after kainic acid-evoked status epilepticus. Brain Res Mol Brain Res. 91:1-13, 2001
- A.Kondratyev and K.Gale. Intracerebral injection of caspase-3 inhibitor prevents neuronal apoptosis after kainic acid-evoked status epilepticus. Brain Res.Mol.Brain Res.75: 216-224, 2000